above and beyond in everything we do
All STEM Students are expected to earn STEM Plus Points.
The amount is set at 10 points per year.
You can accumulate more for the leaderboard and prize drawings, but you CANNOT bank hours in one year to use in the future.
Points are tracked on an annual basis to determine eligibility for STEM Academy Reward activities.
Frequently Asked Questions
What might I miss out on if I don’t have my points?
Fun events like a free senior day somewhere like Main Event during school. Fun junior trip, etc.
If I don’t get enough points freshman year can I make it up later?
YES, you can earn points to catch up for previous years.
When do I need to have my points?
Balances will be checked as of last complete semester before the event. For a Spring senior event, you should have 35 points. (10 for each of the first three years and 5 for Fall of senior year.)